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Welcome to the website of Hubertus Maaß und Data Store®.
I appreciate your intrest in my work and in case you came here via keyword search or a link, I hope that you find what you´re looking for!

To bring form and content into harmony here, I would like to lead you through some examples and links to the traces of my activities with this "virtual instrument".

There are quite a number of similarities between operation and navigation, and the procedure of sounddesign on electronic musical instruments.
You can follow a part of the processes I use in general: moving through menus, pushing buttons, combining switches and slider settings to achieve what I intended - or ending up with something completely new and unexpected.
(... In case you experience the navigation procedure as unwidely, you share my process in the utilisation of some instruments completely...)

Operational elements:

  • Mode: four themes
  • Select: four chapters related to respective themes
  • Logo (klick): Home
  • Impressum
  • Contact

The difference in navigating through my website and operating "virtual" or "real" instruments is in the creative components. There are two elements that are still missing. They are as follows:

  1. For one the local keyboard doesn´t make a sound.
    This is part of the "unfinished site". Of course this website will be actualised and extended in the future. And of course the functionality of the keyboard will be taken under consideration at that time. However, in the meantime, you can comission me to complete the task at hand!
  2. The second issue is that you can´t assign any values to the slider- or knob combinations of this "instrument"...
    And this is where we come to one of my further tasks.

Basically your sense of combination may be demanded beyond simple navigation: At that time you may have to decide which combination of my performances and routines may be suitable for your projects.

I don´t want to disturb you from rummaging, hunting or collecting, which I consider to be the basic purpose of an internet sojourn. I wish you Waidmannsheil. (This is a specific hunter´s expression, a wish for a successfull hunt.)

Hubertus Maaß

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